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  Yamaoka Tesshu

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KEIZOKU WA CHIKARA NARI (La capacité vient en persévérant)

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Tag: Kasso teki

Consider defeat …

“In Iaido we always win against enemies” performing a kata slowly or quickly, result is the same … We win. Of course we are alone fighting against imaginary opponents and the scenario (Riai) says we win. How could we loose ? I did not deeply thought about this but writing it down suddenly gave me […]

Iaido is see and cut an invisible opponent

Here is a rough chapter translation of the book titled “Iaido shinsain no me” we introduced some post ago. It is now time to publish this chapters that is is a part of the Ueno Satanori – 8th dan Hanshi Iaido – section. The chapter we choose is the third chapter “Iaido is see and […]