
Brussels Yaegaki-Kai Place de St Job, 20 1180 Uccle - Brussels Tuesday 20:30/22:30 Thurday 20:30/22:00 Sunday 10:00/12:00 Tel. +32(0)486460434

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Tag: Bonenkai

Bōnenkai 2015

A bōnenkai (忘年会) literally “forget the year gathering” is a Japanese drinking party that takes place at the end of the year. This year the Brussels Yaegaki Kai gathered at Japanese restaurant – Senraku – to celebrate a tremendous 2015 year, full of hard keiko and every day dedication of everybody in the dojo. 2015 […]

Bōnenkai 2011

A bōnenkai (忘年会) literally “forget the year gathering” is a Japanese drinking party that takes place at the end of the year, and is generally held among groups of friends or co-workers. This year the Yaegaki kai gathered at Japanese restaurant – Senraku – to celebrate a rich 2011 year, full of hard renshu and […]