
Brussels Yaegaki-Kai Place de St Job, 20 1180 Uccle - Brussels Tuesday 20:30/22:30 Thurday 20:30/22:00 Sunday 10:00/12:00 Tel. +32(0)486460434

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11th ABKF Summer Koryu Seminar

The 11th Edition of the ABKF Koryu Seminar was held this 24-25-26 august 2012. The seminar was organised as part of the ABKF Summer Seminar and was located in Louvain La Neuve, Belgium.

This edition was again a success thanks to the wonderful teachings of the Japanese sensei delegation composed of:

ODA K. – 8th Dan Hanshi – Eishin Ryu
KATSUMATA K. – 8th Dan Kyoshi – Tamiya Ryu
FURUICHI N. – 8th Dan Kyoshi – Muso Shinden Ryu
TSUCHIYA N. – 7th Dan Kyoshi – Eishin Ryu
YUKIE I. – 5th Dan – Muso Shinden Ryu

This year the seminar gathered more than ninety practioners from different countries including: Belgium, Greece, France, Germany, Russia, Slovakia, Jordania …

Congratulations to Brussels Yaegaki-Kai members: Patrick and Hayashibara san for their successful 3rd dan examination. Let’s continue to train hard together …

Gambarimasho !!!