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9th Iaido Koryu Seminar 2010

9th Iaido Koryu Seminar 2010.
– Date 27,28,29/08/2010.
The 9th Edition of the Iaido Koryu Seminar led by Oda Katsuo sensei held this year from the 27/08 until 29/08, the seminar will be organised as part of the ABKF Summer Seminar 2010 and will be located near Brussels – Louvain La Neuve.5 Senseis will be present:

ODA Katsuo – 8th Dan Hanshi – Eishin Ryu
KATSUMATA Kenichi – 8th Dan Kyoshi – Tamiya Ryu
FURUICHI Norio – 8th Dan Kyoshi – Muso Shinden Ryu
TSUCHIYA N. – 7th Dan Kyoshi – Eishin Ryu